Thursday, May 5, 2011

cheating human who across the boundary pass in the procedure

1. Choose to commit suicide to escape the oppression of alive life, people
not big deal. The trouble is that a door, but a stride away. Why is this tread have to be inter-die? As a social essence campus students, lightly give up their lives too disgraceful!
2. simply mixing time in the school who
gaming obsession, addicted boyfriend, is not obsessed with studying. Finally mixed diploma, besides dine, drink, your reproductive cycle than high school How much stronger, your years of college tuition tariff hit more agreeable.
3. graduate nurse who sell meat and waste
family disburse college tuition, but likewise live up to his own youngster, you should earlier into the deluge to a mall economy. for the Society of pork governess that does not necessitate a college degree, can not cost four years.
4. neglecting your people,the substance root of life, unfortunately
people do not hold the compassion of the people do not maintain the adore for the emancipate. If you must show off their indifference and tyranny, amuse adopt my disdain and despise you: have read your paperback dog gone navel up?
5. despise his own country who
songs they favor Korean star in Japan, American cars in Europe, is seen to be always his own nation. so intent, you just change the nationality of the ship to work overseas to campus.
6 . do not attach to small beasts were massacred kittens who
students, I am sorry apt jot the appoint of your school, your own human cried too scared to say it.
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8. engage in sexual bribery of female students
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students was the archive if you are man alternatively feminine, if you are for money or love, not their own self-love, who can adore you.
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12. Students in the learn hall room
enthusiasm is the distinction between peoples and animals: an can control their own lusts. You said you one related to animal life, and also stay in college act.
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15. each daytime was engaged filming, Guan Changpian, day and night by paparazzi trailing the stars
your time is precious, hundreds of thousands of a second down, why, and the going masses battle ended it?
16. university ~ ~ Is it soft like a bowl of rice?
17. Good people do not course out of the best 4 years of college
promulgated dozens of papers to people who really make people envious. Sometimes with him than the masses are predictable and dim. Man, you straight it to bounce to a professor.


April 22 each year is environmental issues within the campus campus lectures will be held. while he was 25-year-old Harvard Law student Dennis. Hayes,toronto escorts, Nelson's suggestion ambition presently convert a large-scale communities throughout the United States activities in the specific motifs, and received a affirmative feedback from numerous youth students aboard April 22 .1970, the U.S. held a large br> As the starting of the modern environmental movement, environmental protection war,let dogs ambition no dine shit, shrieked because improving the overall global environment. The activities of the United Nations declared. Since then,beijing escort, every annual ashore April 22 was identified for the , taint erosion, desertification, pollution of freshwater resources has seriously affected the life of person society. In appending,beijing massage, with the perennial development of the global industry, the excess emissions of carbon dioxide in the air of greenhouse gas concentrations persist to boost, resulting in life aboard Earth umbrella apt protect the homeland awareness, resource development and environmental protection to enhance the coordinated development. Although the anniversary to protect the Earth, November 20, 2005,shanghai escort, the 60th United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution in 2008 for organize the namely Earth Day in China in recent years, the themes identified
1997 years: : mm of scientific development, agreeable ;
2008 year:

really I do no have a second fast-forward via

Wide outdoor and Linzi Saturday to choose a bunch of sea-disc, the largest bottom of affection is the afford of quality sea piracy down, Baba all the way over, but still not to the 100 to end. Are completely out of the previous log of heroic, merry crop sense.
besides fjust aboutme antique anthems CD, this time apt gather a line of sight always reside in the fashionable Japanese TV screenplay series in Taobao. shun say namely Elvis really is undefeated eternity ring when his car stereo in the premier Are you lonely tonight? the singer emotionally, the listener center would destroy (if a morsel amplified, but really is intoxicated).
Sunday boil ailment in the house an day, just later the previous day's caustic headache, fatigue and colds swept through the whole body. lair aboard the sofa watching a human outside the shine brightness, as if living in another world. Fortunately, penetrated a new Japanese TV drama series is absolutely splendid,beijing escort! have been directed away starring Takuya Kimura, finally attracted a mighty story.
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half elapse two, Final played, I have been calling, breathing complicated. This abrupt outcome, for two years,shanghai escort, the article in flashback of 2 years,the contractor of resources and the formation of fashionable products, some successful folk, merely he namely actually successful?? he may no fail!! the ending is entirely testified the reality and the ideal the inevitability of combat, both full of the lust of people nature, complicated, contradictory, merely what is the perfect morale tin never take away!
I placarded envelope suggest that in truth the original novel, the protagonist is the father of the merely major middling, but Kimura membrane adaptation of the son of industrialist played along the picture of smooth steel is undoubtedly the most gorgeous prodigious! startle Kimura's wonderful deeding skills to my idea the strength of a perfect idol, he has lost every drip of tears,guangzhou escort, to pay for every sub-efforts, every piece of the truth makes me apparently moved. finally, Plug in the dazzling for his wings,

critically endangered Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis

Global survey of endangered species Endangered Species ,the relatively tall processing requirements of the wall
refers apt entire category of their own causes or due apt person activities alternatively natural disasters and jeopardized wildlife. Broadest sense, refers to infrequent and jeopardized category, endangered or rare species of wild fauna and flora; from the outlook of wildlife management, endangered species is signed by Washington), and species listed in the subjunction of national and local protection of wildlife. endangered species can be divided into 2 varieties of total and relating. utter endangered species is a fairly long period of period than the wild population less, there is hazard of extinction. relativity is that decisive populations of endangered species,toronto escorts, the total digit is no too wild, merely compared to the same level of additional species is rarely; hardly everme endangered species, in other countries or regions may no be considered endangered species.
1. mammals
Chinese name generic level of protection
Monotremes Monotremata
Long-beaked Echidna Zaglossus bruijni EN Endangered
possums present Dasyuromorphia < br> Desert Sminthopsis psammophila EN possums and bandicoots endangered
Head Peramelemorphia
striped bandicoots Perameles bougainville EN Endangered
Kangaroo Head Diprotodontia
Lasiorhinus krefftii CR
drywall critically endangered rabbit kangaroos Onychogalea fraenata EN endangered short-nose
endangered kangaroo Bettongia tropica EN
Philippine Chiroptera Chiroptera
endangered fruit bats Acerodon jubatus EN
white breast flying fox Pteropus insularis CR Critically endangered flying fox
Mary Anna Pteropus mariannus EN
endangered Western Pacific isle flying foxes Carlo Pteropus molossinus CR Critically Endangered
gold flying fox Pteropus phaeocephalus CR Critically Endangered Primates Primates

gold bamboo lemur Hapalemur aureus CR Critically Endangered
broad neb tame lemurs Hapalemur simus CR Critically Endangered white cervix
endangered lemur Varecia variegata EN
flat endangered lemur Indri indri EN
that endangered monkey Daubentonia madagascariensis EN
white ear marmoset Callithrix aurita EN Endangered
yellow head marmoset Callithrix flaviceps EN endangered Golden Lion Tamarin Leontopithecus rosalia EN

color hunt endangered tamarin Saguinus bicolor CR Critically Endangered
cotton altitude tamarin Saguinus oedipus EN endangered red-faced howler monkeys Alouatta
pigra EN spider monkey endangered
Brachyteles arachnoides EN endangered red squirrel monkey Saimiri oerstedii EN back
endangered Diana monkey Cercopithecus diana EN be endangered lion-tailed macaque
specter Macaca silenus EN hamadryad Mandrillus leucophaeus EN endangered nose ape Nasalis larvatus EN

Tana River endangered red colobus monkeys Procolobus rufomitratus CR Critically Endangered
Douc langur Pygathrix nemaeus EN
endangered yellow-crowned leaf monkey Trachypithecus geei EN Endangered < br> crown leaf monkey Trachypithecus pileatus EN Endangered
hoolock Bunopithecus hoolock EN Endangered
silver gibbon Hylobates moloch CR
critically endangered and endangered black-crested gibbon Nomascus concolor EN
endangered mountain gorilla Gorilla beringei EN
Gorilla Gorilla gorilla EN
Rodent Rodentia
endangered Mexican prairie squirrel Cynomys mexicanus EN Endangered
farm mouse Leporillus conditor EN Endangered
Australia coarse lagurus Zyzomys pedunculatus CR Critically endangered short-tailed velvet
Rat Chinchilla brevicaudata CR Critically endangered cetaceans Cetacea

baiji Lipotes vexillifer CR Critically endangered porpoise Ganges

Pacific Platanista gangetica EN endangered porpoise Phocoena sinus CR critically endangered whale Balaenoptera
Wen borealis EN endangered blue whale,beijing escort, Balaenoptera musculus EN
endangered fin whales Balaenoptera physalus EN
Northern Right Whale Endangered
Eubalaena glacialis EN
endangered North Pacific right whales Eubalaena japonica EN Endangered
Carnivora Carnivora
Asian jackal dog Cuon alpinus EN endangered Darwin's fox Pseudalopex fulvipes CR
critically endangered red wolf Canis rufus CR

island critically endangered gray fox Urocyon littoralis CR Critically Endangered
endangered immense panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca EN Endangered Red Panda Ailurus fulgens EN

endangered sea otter Enhydra lutris EN otter Lontra provocax EN
big otter endangered endangered
Pteronura brasiliensis EN Long Island long-tailed civet cats Cryptoprocta ferox EN Endangered
as Elephas maximus EN endangered African wild ass Perissodactyla Perissodactyla
head Equus africanus CR
Geli Wei critically endangered and endangered zebra Equus grevyi EN
endangered mountain zebra Equus zebra EN-US tapir Tapirus
bairdii EN endangered mountain tapir Tapirus pinchaque EN

Su endangered rhino
Dicerorhinus sumatrensis CR Critically Endangered black rhino Diceros bicornis CR Critically endangered Java rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondaicus CR
critically endangered Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis
EN Endangered
Artiodactyla Artiodactyla
dwarf wild boar Sus salvanius CR Critically Endangered
piglet Catagonus wagneri EN Prairie Tuan
Kala Mi endangered dolphins endangered deer Axis calamianensis EN
India dolphin endangered deer Axis kuhlii EN
Chile Hippocamelus bisulcus EN Endangered moose elk Elaphurus davidianus CR

bow angle critically endangered antelope Addax nasomaculatus CR Critically Endangered
endangered European bison Bison bonasus EN
Endangered Banteng Bos javanicus EN
Wembley test livestock Bos sauveli CR Critically Endangered

quarlesi EN Lo Kok goat Capra falconeri EN Endangered
Thomson Gazelle Gazella cuvieri EN endangered gazelle Gazella dama EN
endangered deer
small angle Gazelle Gazella leptoceros EN Endangered
endangered Arabian Oryx leucoryx EN Ling
endangered Tibetan Antelope Pantholops hodgsonii EN
Wu Guang Niu Pseudoryx nghetinhensis EN
big nose endangered antelope Saiga tatarica CR Critically Endangered
2. Chinese Name Scientific name of birds
protection level
albatross roaming albatross intention Procellariiforme
Diomedea amsterdamensis CR Critically Endangered
New Zealand petrel Oceanites maorianus CR Critically Endangered
all networked Abbott Booby Head Pelecaniformes
Papasula abbotti CR Critically Endangered
Andrew frigate bird Fregata andrewsi CR Critically Endangered
Ciconiformes Ciconiiformes
Japan endangered white stork Ciconia boyciana EN
colossal ibis Thaumatibis gigantea CR Critically Endangered
ibis Geronticus eremita CR Critically Endangered
Japanese crown endangered ibis Nipponia nippon EN Head Anseriformes

Falklands ducks duck Anas bernieri EN Ma spot listed endangered
Island duck Anas laysanensis CR Critically endangered Hawaiian duck
Anas wyvilliana EN
endangered white winged lumber duck Cairina scutulata EN endangered bald
hard tail duck Oxyura leucocephala EN
eagle Yingmu Falconiformes
endangered California condors Gymnogyps californianus CR Critically endangered Spanish Imperial Eagle
Aquila adalberti EN endangered oriental white-backed vulture
Gyps bengalensis CR Critically Endangered Indian vulture Gyps indicus CR
Critically Endangered
anchor mouth kite Chondrohierax wilsonii CR Critically endangered monkey eating eagle
Pithecophaga jefferyi CR Critically Endangered Saker Falcon Falco cherrug EN
Head gallinarum Otsuka Galliformes
camp endangered birds Macrocephalon maleo EN
Borneo endangered peacock pheasant Polyplectron schleiermacheri EN-shaped head Gruiformes

crane whooping crane Grus americana EN endangered red-crowned crane Grus japonensis EN

Endangered Critically Endangered Siberian Crane Grus leucogeranus CR
Road Harvey Crake Gallirallus sylvestris EN Endangered
card archaic birds Rhynochetos jubatus EN endangered Great Indian Bustard Ardeotis
nigriceps EN Endangered snipe head Charadriiformes
Curlew Numenius borealis CR Critically Endangered Slender-billed Curlew
Numenius tenuirostris CR Critically Endangered
Crested Tern Sterna bernsteini CR Critically Endangered
Norman's Green Sandpiper Tringa guttifer EN foot endangered parrot-shaped head Psittaciformes

red anal Cockatoo Cacatua haematuropygia CR Critically Endangered
crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea CR Critically Endangered
Timor Parrot Amazona imperialis EN
yellow head Amazon parrot endangered Amazona oratrix EN Endangered
Red Parrot Amazona rhodocorytha EN amount of red crown Amazon parrot endangered
Amazona viridigenalis EN endangered Puerto Rican parrot Amazona vittata
CR Critically Endangered
gray green macaws Anodorhynchus glaucus CR Critically Endangered
purplish blue macaw Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus EN Endangered
Lear macaws Anodorhynchus leari CR Critically Endangered
cheeked Macaw Ara rubrogenys EN Endangered < br> Blue Macaw Cyanopsitta spixii CR Critically Endangered amount
Fr yellow parakeet Cyanoramphus forbesi EN Endangered
red and blue Lory Eos histrio EN Endangered
angle endangered parrots Eunymphicus cornutus EN Long
yellow-bellied Last parrot Neophema chrysogaster CR Critically Endangered
yellow ear parakeet Ognorhynchus icterotis CR Critically endangered golden elbow
Psephotus chrysopterygius EN endangered parrot mouth parrot
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha EN endangered cat face parrot Strigops habroptilus CR Critically Endangered
blue Lory Vini ultramarina EN Endangered
Juan Passeriformes Cuculiformes
Turacos Tauraco bannermani EN Endangered Owl Head Strigiformes

grass owl Tyto soumagnei EN Falklands endangered rain
Li Yan,shanghai massage, head Apodiformes
abdominal hummingbird Amazilia castaneiventris CR Critically endangered winged hummingbird
St. saber Campylopterus phainopeplus EN Black Star
the amount of endangered hummingbird Coeligena prunellei EN Endangered
leg hair green larynx hummingbird Eriocnemis godini CR Critically Endangered < br> color hair legs hummingbird Eriocnemis mirabilis CR Critically Endangered hummingbird
black mowed legs Eriocnemis nigrivestis CR Critically Endangered Hummingbird Blue Roof
Eupherusa cyanophrys EN endangered hummingbird beak hook
Glaucis dohrnii EN endangered hummingbird Heliangelus nab
Wong regalis EN Green abdominal hummingbird endangered
Lepidopyga lilliae CR Critically Endangered
fork Fantail endangered hummingbird Loddigesia mirabilis EN Hui Mei
mauve throat hummingbird METAllura baroni EN Endangered
Perry Hui Mei endangered hummingbird METAllura iracunda EN < br> hummingbird crown fire Sephanoides fernandensis CR Critically Endangered hummingbird
comet dust mouth Taphrolesbia griseiventris EN Endangered
Coraciiformes Coraciiformes
spot-billed hornbill Penelopides mindorensis EN endangered woodpeckers present Piciformes
Woodpecker Campephilus imperialis CR Critically Endangered
ivory bill woodpeckers Campephilus principalis CR Critically endangered passerine Passeriformes

umbrella with a spot of endangered birds Cotinga maculata EN umbrella
White-winged birds Xipholena atropurpurea EN Endangered
Coats U.S. Thrashers Toxostoma guttatum CR Critically Endangered
Thailand pitta Pitta gurneyi CR Critically Endangered
Luke Shi Xian Flycatcher Cyornis ruckii CR Critically Endangered
Chinese name reptile generic protection level
turtles muck turtle project Testudines

Dermatemys mawii EN majority of endangered turtles Platysternon megacephalum EN Endangered
Bada School Batagur baska CR critically endangered turtle salt
Callagur borneoensis CR Critically Endangered turtles gold
head turtle Cuora aurocapitata CR Critically Endangered
yellow brim turtle Cuora flavomarginata EN endangered turtle amount
yellow Cuora galbinifrons CR Critically Endangered
Bose turtle Cuora mccordi CR Critically Endangered
Pan s Cuora Cuora pani CR Critically Endangered
three-turtle Cuora trifasciata CR Zhou critically endangered turtle
Cuora zhoui CR Critically endangered mountain tortoises in Asia
Heosemys depressa CR Critically Endangered
Bala look critically endangered turtle Heosemys leytensis CR Heosemys spinosa EN
endangered turtles sun
three wire saw back turtle Kachuga dhongoka EN Bangladesh
see-saw back and endangered turtles Kachuga kachuga CR Critically Endangered
Assam saw back turtle Kachuga sylhetensis EN Endangered
Myanmar saw back turtle Kachuga trivittata EN endangered tortoises
boots Indotestudo forstenii EN endangered tortoises Manouria emys EN pin
constellation of endangered turtles Psammobates geometricus EN Endangered
flat tail beads Endangered tortoise Pyxis planicauda EN web
Klein Manny turtle Testudo kleinmanni CR
Najaf critically endangered tortoises Testudo werneri CR Critically Endangered
Loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta EN
endangered green turtles Chelonia mydas EN endangered hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata CR

Ken's critically endangered turtles Lepidochelys kempii CR Critically Endangered
Lam endangered sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea EN leatherback turtle Dermochelys coriacea CR
Critically Endangered turtles Apalone ater CR
extremely India Wen Wei
back turtle Chitra chitra CR Critically Endangered
head turtle Chitra indica EN endangered sea turtle Pelochelys cantorii EN
Madagascar Endangered
large cephalic necked turtle Erymnochelys madagascariensis EN Endangered
side necked turtle South American giant Podocnemis lewyana EN Endangered
Rhodia Island snake necked turtle Chelodina mccordi CR Critically endangered short-necked turtles in Australia
Pseudemydura umbrina CR critically endangered crocodilians Crocodylia

alligator Alligator sinensis CR Critically Endangered
Oliver Orinoco crocodile Crocodylus intermedius CR critically endangered Philippine crocodile Crocodylus mindorensis CR
critically endangered Cuban crocodile Crocodylus rhombifer EN

endangered Siamese crocodile Crocodylus siamensis CR
critically endangered and endangered Indian crocodiles Gavialis gangeticus EN
Malaysian Long-billed
endangered crocodile lizards Tomistoma schlegelii EN stop Tai Road Head Sauria
Bradypodion setaroi EN endangered dwarf chameleon dwarf chameleon
Smith Bradypodion taeniabronchum CR bands critically endangered Fiji iguanas
Brachylophus fasciatus EN coronary endangered Fiji iguanas
Brachylophus vitiensis CR Critically Endangered
Jamaican iguana Cyclura collei CR Critically Endangered
blue rock iguana Cyclura lewisi CR Critically Endangered
Hsin Lizard Gallotia simonyi CR Critically Endangered < br> Serpentes Serpentes
Wo Ma python Aspidites ramsayi EN Endangered
Island flying dragon Casarea dussumieri EN Endangered
Osiris Nice viper Vipera ursinii EN Endangered
Wechsler viper Vipera wagneri EN Endangered
4. amphibians
Chinese name generic level of protection
Anura Anura
Bar viviparous toad Altiphrynoides malcolmi EN endangered Panamanian golden frog
Atelopus zeteki CR Critically Endangered
black viviparous toad Nectophrynoides asperginis CR pole risk
red poison dart frog Dendrobates lehmanni CR with a very precarious poison throw frogs
Ecuador tricolor
Epipedobates tricolor EN endangered golden poison dart frog golden Phyllobates terribilis EN Endangered
Man Critically Endangered frog Mantella aurantiaca CR < br> frog Mantella crocea EN disguised color green color endangered
Critically Endangered frog Mantella viridis CR
red furrow foot Scaphiophryne gottlebei CR Critically Endangered frog
have Anura Caudata
dull critically endangered salamander Ambystoma dumerilii CR
giant salamander Andrias davidianus CR Critically Endangered
5. Fish

Chinese name generic level of protection of sturgeon's head Acipenseriformes
critically endangered sturgeon Acipenser dabryanus CR
intimidated Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii EN
Pacific endangered sturgeon Acipenser mikadoi EN Moina
endangered sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris EN Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus EN
endangered sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii EN

endangered endangered Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis EN
Flash endangered sturgeon Acipenser stellatus EN
Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio CR Critically Endangered
sturgeon Huso dauricus EN
endangered European sturgeon Huso huso EN Psephurus gladius CR
white sturgeon Syr Darya to be critically endangered
shovel Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi CR Critically endangered sturgeon
Amu Darya sturgeon small shovel Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni CR to be a very big risk to be shovel
Amu Darya sturgeon Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni EN Endangered
shovel Missouri endangered sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus EN
Asia Alabama sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus CR spade
bone critically endangered fish heads Osteoglossiformes
silver tongue,guangzhou massage, octopus Scleropages formosus EN Endangered
Head Cypriniformes
tassels carp carp Probarbus jullieni EN endangered fish
Gui-Yu Qu
Chasmistes cujus CR Critically Endangered Mekong catfish head Siluriformes
big catfish Pangasianodon gigas CR Critically Endangered Dragon Head Syngnathiformes
that the hippocampus Hippocampus capensis EN Endangered
Perciformes Perciformes
Humphead endangered fish Cheilinus undulatus EN
California dog-shaped yellow croaker Totoaba macdonaldi CR Critically Endangered
Head Coelacanthiformes
coelacanth coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae CR Critically Endangered
1. gymnosperms
Chinese appoint generic level of protection
Pine Head Coniferales
Fitzroy Fitzroya cupressoides EN Endangered
Metasequoia METAsequoia glyptostroboides CR Critically Endangered
Wale Mai Angeles Wollemia nobilis CR Critically endangered Cycas Head Cycadales

Indian cycad Cycas beddomei CR Critically Endangered Cycads Cycas changjiangensis EN
endangered cycad Cycas debaoensis CR De Paul
Hainan critically endangered and endangered cycad Cycas hainanensis EN
dry ash critically endangered cycad Cycas hongheensis CR
huge fruit endangered cycad Cycas megacarpa EN sexism
extra endangered cycad Cycas multipinnata EN leaved cycad Cycas platyphylla EN

Taiwan endangered cycad tree Cycas taiwaniana EN Endangered
critically endangered cycad Cycas tansachana CR
U.S. crown small cycad Microcycas calocoma CR Critically Endangered
Head Taxales
Florida yew Taxus Taxus floridana CR Critically Endangered
2. angiosperms
Chinese name generic level of protection
Liliales Liliales
Helen Aloe Aloe helenae CR Critically Endangered
Pierce Lance Aloe Aloe pillansii CR Critically Endangered
wire like Aloe Aloe suzannae CR Critically Endangered
Head Orchidales
apricot orchid Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum armeniacum EN Endangered
Paphiopedilum Paphiopedilum barbigerum EN lobular
long flap of endangered orchid Paphiopedilum dianthum EN Endangered
pearly orchid Paphiopedilum emersonii CR Critically Endangered
tiger orchid Paphiopedilum tigrinum CR Critically Endangered
palm project Arecales < br> Madagascar Turtle Beccariophoenix madagascariensis CR Critically Endangered brown leaves
loris endangered Kwai Lemurophoenix halleuxii EN
of brown Marojejya darianii CR's Curculigo
Loewy's critically endangered brown Ravenea louvelii EN Endangered
than Markey Yalin
Kwai Satranala decussilvae EN GE's endangered forest coconut Voanioala gerardii CR Critically Endangered
maple walnut head Juglandales
Oreomunnea pterocarpa EN Endangered
peach pink cone head Mello cactus Caryophyllales
Melocactus conoideus CR Critically Endangered
Dina Ken Meiluo cactus Melocactus deinacanthus CR Critically Endangered
White Merlot Cactus Melocactus glaucescens CR Critically Endangered
few thorns cactus Melocactus paucispinus EN Mello endangered pitcher factories present Nepenthales

Raja Nepenthes Nepenthes raja ...

merely human

The greatest ecology photography
2010 Earth Day : caring human beings like themselves for caring for the earth our only family, Mother
mm Mother Earth namely facing the maximum caustic oppression ever . We asked as more of her And extra unreasonable, so namely grew out of disability .
quick decline of biological diversity ; increasing contamination of water resources ; soil becoming barren. If there is no root for a sustainable context ,beijing escort, there is no wish to achieve penury cutback and hunger , improving Health and human well-being goals .
Mother Earth we should adore and concern , do no let this pretty planet,shanghai escort, merely human , do not let the final drop of water left in our tears . a standing ovation the earth mom,shanghai massage, is caring Humanity itself. [more ]
. Earth Day, promoting the establishment of sustainable human development and phoned on more than environmental regulations
. China has set the 2010 World Earth Day ,has a name, Earth Day,beijing massage, promoting low-carbon life alteration the evolution mode to aid subserve

Earth photo Earth Day rally in Washington Earth Day

ling endorsement ashore behalf of the Chinese provinces of biological

2007 年 3 月 31 日 19

Last night, is the world's third Earth Day Earth Hour, when not merely did not my house merely they've not even turn off the lights turn on the lights, we have been out wandering until ten at night and more had just come home. And the daughter to school in Xi'an , also called this, the school apartment in the dark. This morn the Internet is gratifying to watch that this play has begun in China, deeply anchored to the Xi'an City has all been slow to respond, saving an hour last night 223 000 degrees.
Earth Hour namely a phone for the activities of people creatures caring for the globe, its meaning namely not just an annual saving just this one hour, more importantly, in advocating the conception of a low-carbon life, so said low-carbon life should begin from every one of us. to me to be attempting to do the following aspects:
1. closed for a week alternatively two crane;
2. reduced by one hour per day time watching television or surfing the Internet;
3. home, not a daytime without lights turn on the lights; indeed not capable to open a small light on shine lights;
4. Office of eliminating the use of energy-consuming appliances;
5. dilute the number of periodical basically to completely use the web.
to record these commitments on the almanac for self-monitoring at whichever time. I deem, more self-discipline, I tin do!!!
information Links: 30 Earth Hour aims through a small movement, so namely people nigh the earth to work attach to focus on weather alteration, promote low-carbon way of living and making completions mm small changes could have far-reaching shock.
World History
2007 年 3 月 31 日 19:30 Sydney, more than 220 million homes and businesses corner off the lights because an hour. as the to inhibit global warming and began operations.
2009 年 3 月 28 日 20:30, 88 countries from 4159 the city's hundreds of millions of people, including 73 chiefs, the world's ten maximum populous cities in the 9 , and Beijing's Bird's Nest, Water Cube, the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower, World Financial Center, Giza Sphinx and the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, a milestone building in the world, including all lights for one hour,shanghai escort, expressing the reaction to climate change stance. activities to China. Beijing's Bird's Nest, Water Cube, the Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower, World Financial Center, Baoding metropolis government establishing, China's 1st solar buildings mm Power Valley Jinjiang International Hotel, Dalian Xinghai Square, Nanjing Xuanwu Lake, the current blocks, Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour and other citizen landmarks in at 20:30 on March 28th Earth Hour, to deliver to the world China's decision to tackle climate change.
2009. Baoding
; Baoding known as the first official proclamation from the Mainland to combine the activities of the city. Baoding High-tech District Administration Building of China's first solar photovoltaic mm Power Valley Jinjiang International Hotel at the the governors, the World Wide Fund for Nature (wwf) and heed high-level speech.
Baoding Olympic champion Pang Wei as promotional activities on the shade scroll announce.
people clothed in activities with the T-Shirt of the local hostel mobilized carbon independent ; T-Shirt publicity
2009. Beijing
counting to the nest,shanghai massage, water cube lights and other landmarks, numerous massive supermarkets and bureau buildings to take fathom to long-term portion of the lights or use fewer power lighting.
placed in the manufacturer's dealerships a great many promote the public above the extra buildings, more than 600 companies and 160 schools to advocate environmental
lights together to invite the regional radio station and other Hong Kong stars Eason Chan live over the phone to offer listeners a general ordinary lights,yet must agree namely they live better than me happy, spend a night of low-carbon
2009. Dalian
unplugged rock star concert was held,shanghai escort, before the start of each voyage stop to promote environmental awareness wisdom, and lights for one minute ahead the rendition to support WWF > Tianjin basic school students to listen to environmental lectures, participate in home activities and affirmative publicity to the and easy to implement activities aimed at by a small movement, so that people around the world to work together to focus on climate change, promote low-carbon way of life and production. assure a sustainable future to melodrama its character.
Earth Hour ; Earth Hour 22 -3 26 fire of 20% abatement in carbon emissions at 2020 and fell 40-45% of the target strength of support and contributions to make.
promote energy preservation and environmental protection, the changes brought almost by the real definition.
join us is quite simple, at the peak of our bilingual cn) registration, you can get from the upon diversity of assist and support.
2010 mm choose public transport, less use of private motorcars a day Thursday
3 月 25 mm low-carbon own shopping bags and nay plastic bags Friday
3 月 26 mm off needless energy saving bulbs, turn off electrical appliances not in use sockets, saving of electricity
3 27: send photographers to arrest the local medium and the public to participate.
3 28: by way of press sessions or press releases to convey the ; after neighbors to attend;
called friends and family, enjoy the night in the park below the picnic, enjoy the stars;
at home and enjoy a candlelit banquet;
organize a treasure hunt in the black;
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we were sitting in the dark, with the story;
organize a family night,shenzhen massage, playing chess or playing games;
with adore to a romantic night;
camera or camera to record it with an hour of the fable, to share with you.


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A year ago, seventy-two oil workers as the day and night in the Bohai Sea billow!
if I can, I want to open a thousand waves, to listen to their grumbles; if I can, I want to dig dry boundless amplitude of the Bohai Sea, elected up a deep resentment.
However, I can not. I can only use my pen to narrate their suffering, we express our grief. However, a year ago, even this can not, because we had disguised the truth lies. Now, the State Department the decision of the accident,
1979 年 November 24 night.
boundless Sea, stormy. an offshore oil rigs lustrous bright lights, traction in the tug, the staggered ahead. The chart of the iron monster technical requirements have been more than 5 meters, 1 meter freeboard was left. the waves coil on the deck and mechanism every once in a while collision foam dispersed. This is the Bohai II drilling container. It is a coastal tug in front of 282. In order to directions from a superior to a silly, which has two boats and six,beijing massage, seven knocking the bushes for more than 12 hours, while one-third of the travel equitable completed.
towing of the leading group headquarters is located in the Bohai Sea II when the wireless room. circadian boot received, turn on color on the transmitter signal. roll out the navigation map, constructed in the Bohai Sea to the Bohai Sea in the East 423 between the 102 frameworks in a straight line drawn with a pencil. It is their is sailing routes. full 112 sea miles.
Deputy Director of the drilling, towing the group leader Kang Yu Yi peeked at the diagrams, which delineate the path of this pencil caught his obnoxious connotations.
Bohai Bay winter, chilly and more huge storms, cozy to shift drilling ship, the Bohai II can not anti-ice. Originally the winter ought not be drilling. But, the Department of footage in order to complete the index, call a annual antecedent to compel the Bohai Sea II Well, the SOA leading is not compliant to approve this mission began, but the leading of the Ministry proposed to the bureau easy-going human. cadres or workers, whether he is called governors absence to change the determination. he made two statements to detect their own views, Deputy Secretary. Deputy Secretary for the Lord can not. He wants to interview the Secretary. the Secretary has said coldly: ! opinion is insignificant, or thousands of years of the same old! 20 years of ups and downs, he accumulated a cloud of experience. This experience made him many periods in the Bohai Bay saved the day, this experience likewise made him over-confident. so .22 dry out some stupid things on the a.m. held in aggregate control apartment Bo II : . Suddenly, a explode of storms howl intervened his meditation. He saw at the table shaking in the wind speed wind instrument, wind speed has reached 20 meters per second. This means that the wind had additional to 8. wind The roar and the roar of the sea, so he knew, the towing some writing on the wall. He mused, whether there are 2 boats will escort the heart more cozy. towage, he regretted his statement on the meeting over-confident, very heavy center.
clock has been turned to 11 o'clock at night, but not less wind, and occasional 9m10 gust. Jinxiang Qi capital engineer dressing a full oil of the . The 33-year-old institute student, every day off to obtain up, turn over in the cabin after grooming, 12 o'clock at night to sleep at night but also the machine up and check it anew. sleepwalk his private life, while machinery and equipment is particularly alert care. The maximum that he was concerned that the recent overhaul in Japan, in order to retention the cost of repair, where some of the repair does not repair some of the replacement chapters do not change. Some items Offshore Oil Bureau is their repair shop can be repaired, for management is in muddle, procrastination, hever since to solve many problems. For sample, the deck was more solemn corrosion of several cilia dryer, the repair shop to do a few so-so, due to erroneous size, not on security, had alongside, no 1 say in society. So, tonight, he examined more carefully than in the past. He sat down to check over equipment expiration, he pulled from his pocket to a letter. This is his wife sent from Beijing of. his wife after his marriage did not pass through the penniless a agreeable clothing, blaming his thirties who had also not a standing ovation themselves. and said, recently arranged to Tianjin, and personally took him to the cache to buy a set of clothes that eligible. Jin Xiangqi re-pocket the letter, looked at his dress oil, could not assist smiling.
the 74 crew, 30 years of age is 54. These young people and began to live to Longtenghuyue, rest also spirited topic. when they are not liking the time, they will inevitably must blow off steam, Mama Street. That day, though exhausted one day, but we seldom sleep. some lying in mattress to read the novel, some Fuzaizhuoshang writing letters home. and some people talking about the enclosed: Tug did not have slept on, the deck is ten hours a squat, really affected by exotic guilt, and who control us! ; the Secretary is valid and an outward? is masculine or female? I do not know. seeing the pearly ceiling, as in thinking about. The young male, married only 20 days to give pleasure to the sea to the honeymoon. He thought at this moment whether the newly married wife? There are also two 17-year-old fellow , usually jump, this time also appears unusual quiet. doubtless innocent in their minds will appear the mother's face wrinkles and gray head of hair,shenzhen escort, their ears will resound when the mother's parting bite thousand million Well hh.
the wind on the deck stood a high lanky middle-aged man, he was staring through the deep night outdoor the 500-meter lights on the tug 282. usually jolly face at this time appears to be very plucky, as in thinking about something essential issue. He is the 102 constructed in the notifications. To ensure the safety of towing, in his November 12, 20, 21, 3 leading back to the telegraph bureau, inquired to send divers to rescue the tank may fall on the mat submersible pumps require unloading, queried to send three ships towing. The three telegrams read out the brief meeting in the Council leadership, the Secretary are ignored. These requirements ensure safety obedience are ago, more than two thousand four hundred tons of ballast water unload not necessary to make more than three meters draft deepened. and between the mat and platform technology provides distance of more than ten times, so that deeper draft at fewest one meter, 780 tons of variable load is not necessary to discharge, but also deepened the draft. These unlawful actions which such rigs with insecurity in the extensive diversity of night sailing adventure in the sea. thought he was extremely resentful of these, in our country have such an unreasonable system: people who have no right to make advised decisions, people make decisions not understand the situation, notwithstanding her bear a heavy responsibility, but even the right to ensure the safety of the workers are not hh.
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waves towing the ship also deep draft, cheap freeboard, wind carries the right to the back of surging waves constantly anxious swarmed the deck, the frequent occurrence of danger.
When! Scroll to seize one of oxygen flasks. sitting room of the Offshore Oil & T Board, the control room mechanic, agent head of the guiding group towing Wu Lianfu to
comrades to support rescue by 500 meters high call call away The 282 rescue tug Well, re-fixed. The danger has just ruled out, and it was found that water from the cable-sized holes coming down the pump chamber. Now the chief engineer and electrical Huang Jin Xiangqi India, Jiang Jiakun carried away to the emergency pump to pump water discharged into the cabin of mud pools . and then start the mud pump, water splashed from the pond back to the sea mud.
one after another. a line of storms from overwhelming, to 80 cm diameter steel duct cap destroyed , the flow of water like a burst, like pouring along the duct to the cabin.
one after the waves swept the deck, the deck is filled with stirring to the chest-deep water. captain Liu, vice captain LI Hua-lin, large classes Wang Mo-lin driller who face the danger of the sea waves involved,shanghai massage, hardship narrated to the duct. Jinjindigen drilling the boys in the group back them. waves hit big, and they firmly hold the machine on the deck, the waves receded, they swarmed. to the front air duct, we use the waves of the breach, the canvas cover on the duct, a few pairs of big hands like pincers as tightly clamping the canvas. At this time, a dozen hands were stretched over a large , card card, tied the parcel, and a rope tied together, and finally blocked the jaws of the duct.
danger just in the past, a sudden burst of rapid fear peal rang the ship, which is fire fear. oil drilling Mars is the point on embark the ship may cause crash. People immediately from the hostel towards the scene of the accident from various situations. only a short period of one minute were all in attendance, then saw duty in the cabin and the electrical Yang Guanghua India Yellow leaned from the hatch, they tell you that they used fire extinguishers have been put out. turned out to be on the deck hatch switchboard pump dripping, causing short-circuit fire power strip.
put out the fire though, it brought a serious problem: the switchboard burned out, dirt can not be started. into the water to the cabin did not jump out at again.
two o'clock midnight. wind and waves increase, influenced thousands in the sea Mountain innumerable, the power of supremely volley Pilai, the steel duct uniform tear off from the roots. At this time the deck Changlu open a cavity of 84 cm.
; found in the apartment passageway in this dangerous situation Yan Xuejun window to differentiate the skipper shouted.
Emergency! extremely pressing! serious position emerged: a pump can no longer work, and the formation of water in the air tube at the vortex of a huge ship to sudden rush. pile up water inside the cabin, the consequences would be unthinkable! one, published a summarize order: , like a waterfall pouring in the drilling ship, the ground cover it tightly at the bottom with a minute breath. waves the past, people just come up from the water. each big wag coming, there are several people fell to the deck. we risking his own life, one after dissimilar, a big wave came vacated not hold on to someone Li Hualin swept away. all one yelled. However, the wave about to work, LI Hua-lin ten meters away but never climbed the fasten machine up. He refused to take a bright red clothe flowing blood in the head, proceed to partake in rescue. As duct is interrupted from the roots, not on sheet no longer tied. We are anxious eyes sparkle, I do not know who shouted : . However, these asset in the turbulent vortex, like a small foliage as immediately as the vortex sucked into the pump chamber. people can not do anything before the storm raging out. pump tank water, more and more foot pile III has sunk two meters, the ship capsized in front of the danger.
after some sailing experience comrades said, when several emergency measures should be taken: First, according to the regional sea conditions more than 20 meters deep, quickly open all doors to the cabin, turn on the water sea, so that the ship even sank. In this direction, 72-meter-high pile 4 feet thick and 43-meter-high mast will have a large part of the sea surface; Second, should quickly open the ship's 6 life rafts, life raft to go all the staff to abandon the ship evacuated. Each raft can hold 15 people, 74 entirely accommodate the. At the same time, should send an multinational distress signal SOS. but towing the leading group did not take these measures. It also can not reprehend them. all these years, always preaching the life as a revolutionary heroism of the things to applause. It seems the people to create asset than wealth. This wrong thinking long-term detention of the people. Therefore, they did not dare to cede the ship guarantor's decision. If you really do, and they come back living not a good explanation. In counting, the Offshore Oil Bureau normally not carried out emergency rescue disciplines, they do not know even the elementary life-saving wisdom of road, and even do not know how to open the life raft, beneath the tense situation at the time, there may be temporary loss This is probably the right steps were not taken another reason.
towing the leading group to wear life jackets all the staff evacuated the helicopter platform. The helicopter landing location, is a small rectangular square 21 meters higher than sea level. They believe that even now the ship sinks, there is a more suitable area to wait for rescue.
sinking but the warship namely not uniform, but the left rear dumping. When we hear the bid, behind to dwelling, put above life jackets, and then climb, the helicopter platform has transform a growing inclination skateboard. One tin merely prop the platform side of the fence, despite bumps in the storm shook the ship. with the folk back down the platform, Liu Yan Xuejun operators struggling with the muck from the heap of wood tied pumping of lumber, into the sea for we made afterward preparation, did not await as them out of a few, the boat tilted more powerful, platform corners pile of debris crashed above to the sea Luangun, people who did not take anything staggered from the platform end of the slip into the additional end.
put in the hands of a rope darted over the top of the slide. Steam Kun Kwan took the test rope work, accessible on the curtate bar in the gymnastics division, then, we appear to find a ride, 6,7 person's hand tightly gripped the rope. The ship tilted more powerful, platform, wind, water, sound, wail merged together, Ding Fei lost in the loud scene among the capability of people to be saw not clear his perilous situation, with a loud dim water sound, dumped in the ocean drilling ship, the ship's 74 people all thrown into turbulent surf.
announced restriction from the platform on the aircraft to the five thousand tons of heavy steel giant devoured by the sea, only a few minutes the whole process time. they are bent Zhigu save the state property, left to their own life-saving time was too short.
anxiously waiting in the freezing
time, at 3:35 on November 25, 1979. Venue: Path 119.3748P, latitude 38.4130P, water temperature is 7 degrees under zero.
Sage wildly as marble pressure of the people fell into the water deep into the sea, and cast their tip from the cast into the sea, cold water plunge into the needle-like brawn bone. We encourage each other to exhaust the strength of the final: br> When the survival of people shouting in the sea, looking forward to heard from the radio voice of fast Wulian Fu: intensify the life-saving preparations on the boat searchlight were opened. Automatic loosen cord machine less than two minutes to put over 350 meters cable rope. But when they put the cable end, then turn around and tug when no longer see to the light yellow screen, the two kilometers out. then they could not find , water flow to the southeast, most of the victims with the new drift to the southeast, while the tug was 282 opposition the wind to find, so they do not see most of the victims, just rescued from a life raft on two people. This is Today the surviving large class driller and mud Wang Mo-lin Yan Xuejun workers. Worse, they actually did not issue a conditions, the ship received a better signal, it will surely arrived on the scene among 20 minutes, so many victims will be saved. Lin Yongzhi, the incompetence of the captain, the North Sea Fleet was originally an mediocre test persons, no specially trained and the necessary examination, let him as a captain. such people can make do in peacetime to knob the job, will be adversely affected by a important event in the critical moment.
into the sea of ​​people suffering from the cold in the sea, anxious waiting for people to rescue, however, all let them down.
towing at anyone time in the circumstance that reporting to the SOA responsibility room. But what the bureau to do it?
0:10: switchboard bombard , drain pump does not go, the bureau failed to take measures.
1 o'clock: Ventilation tube hat wiped out,open and malleable knowledge sites, water poured into the pump chamber, the bureau failed to take amounts.
3 o'clock: the ventilation tube from the roots to play off, the large influx of sea water, the bureau failed to take measures.
3 点 10 points: : Wu Lianfu with SSB talked over the tel and the bureau last words: to 4.
4 o'clock: the first ship was pulled out from the wharf to the scene of the chance is already 9:30 a.
7 点 30 points: The first helicopter took off from the land. < br> victims hope for survival slow reaction leading organs,shanghai escort, slow action, become disappointed, became a resentment, and finally swallowed their pique and die. They are all waiting anxiously to be alive in the freezing to death. < br> Thinking
morning after the tragedy, and a colossal orange-red sea, which is the remains of the martyrs of floating. They were wearing orange life jackets, storm gradually weakened by roaring into a whine, as in the cry the die.
the 63 people pulled the body, and 9 did not find person remains were pulled firm with the remains of some body, memorandum the cold torment; some scars, logged the survival skirmish; Some tightly into fists, as in the indictment of bureaucracy; some staring eyes, that twice death hh.
chief engineer Jinxiang Qi's body is turned from a small boat back to find, along to Wang Mo-lin survivors recollected, when he fell into the water later, and Wang Mo-lin, a climb up the boat upside down, biting wind beating them trembling, not drowned, they have frozen to death. Just then, the waves moved back a life raft, rubber raft, the raft filled with gas, how lofty the waves, raft how high the waves will not be the same as the boat overturned, there are rafts of nylon napkin umbrella shelf, can withstand cold wind bombards, Wang Mo-lin said: volunteer book good comrades, in this critical moment, the students want to give the others, risked death to depart their own. If he had jumped into life rafts, he will not die. Wang Mo-lin jumped into the life raft, pulled up again Yan Xuejun, who survived.
Liu's body is upside down from a lifeboat found the following. He put his arm a rope tied in this boat cornered. Normally, the marine security can not be assured, we often consult how to do afterward died. Liu forever said: After the due duty to the emancipate, actually had to bind himself with a tether. Over the years, he put always his energies on the fuel affair on the family's burden of rearing two juvenile babies, with all the pressure in the heart ailment, his wife who, he always felt criminal in his wife, but always disinclined to focus on small homes, the lifetime is not considerate wife, have returned after the decease of his wife approximately for a terminal goodbye.
26-year-old The shipyard electrician Fan Li full, prepared to New Year's Day to get married. He and his fiancee after several years of preparation, anything all ready. marrying only a month, and they look inward to this sweet day. FAN Li full sea, the fiancee to the sea. Before leaving, the entire scope of legislation that popup up saying: This sentence was really their last farewell! FAN Li sacrifice all the newspaper came as a thunderbolt shattering her wishes! ran her disheveled coast, Ding Li into the cold winds, looking at rolling the Bohai Sea, and over again cried over and over: truths have been concluded .9 months later, the State Council on ; Offshore Oil Exploration Bureau, Ministry of Petroleum in order to accept r l Bohai II emergency relocation of wells after the tough mission to take a violation of towing security peccadillo QUICKER. venture down the ship, towing is not causing the Some of the chief reasons for the tragic accident. and the result of the lessons of history ensure that such tragedies will never happen again. Do not you look, in this tragedy demonstrated the will instead of subjective and objective law, careless venture instead of using a scientific approximate, instead of using peremptory phenomenon of democratic neatness of work do not exist in all hikes of life ? that the catastrophe reasoned along over-concentration of responsibility is nameless, inefficient economic system is not has not been reform? those who study naught but tyrannical bureaucrats are not the attribute continues to hold the State and workers life to decision. The good news is, people have put this tragedy into a force to eliminate the root causes of the tragedy. today's China, science and democracy is gradually creature replaced along superstition and cruelty; irrational economic system is suffering reform; cadres also began to demand educated and professional hh despite heavy resistance, the road back creased thousand, while the way will not change.
year ago, some people attempt to months after the courses of .9, the State Council made in accordance with their requirements. I would like to seventy-two undergoing heart will be comforted immediately!
Seventy class brothers ah! Please accept my more than a year later The memorial, may your obedient psyche recess in the sea!
(written in December 1980, promulgated in the

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and I have reproduced the incipient caption of

Western panic of the new virus were far higher than China (transfer)
Note: This is Mr. Liao Xinbo stuff, and I have reproduced the elemental title of
original purpose is a more emphatic focus.
Guangdong sars group came back to the situation so that people feel I do not know to go left or right. Today read a well-known airlines disallow pork repast on the aircraft, as they say so disturbed, as it is absurd. I actually thankful the attitude of Japan, still not banned U.S. pork imports. So I have to say.
Perhaps you have yet read the OIE Director General Bernard. Vallette 27 discourse, he said that Mexico and other countries recently emerging influenza virus is a fusion of a kind of viruses, currently scatter from person to human, not as folk often think caused completely along the piglet. This the characteristics of the virus. Although swine influenza virus played a character, merely the present location of the flu simply called swine flu namely no accurate. Since this virus had not occurred ahead, so early in the influenza explosion, it was the human called the swine flu virus, and has been in use ever since, this contention does not regulate the people of the swine flu reasoned by misreading, he was very worried approximately this. He said that according to the birthplace of the quondam, people constantly come to be named on the number of influenza, such for Spanish flu and so on,shanghai massage, accordingly, ambition be called the North American influenza this flu is more rational. As of immediately, the virus only aggression peoples and among humans, pigs and other beasts have as yet discovered. and in Mexico, some life people in the metropolis were infected, they are not in direct contact with the animals, which once anew shows that the virus is not spread instantly from animals to humans. Therefore, if you absence to discourage the ailment can merely start from the people, to prevent patients and healthy contact people.
Vallat also said the so-called swine flu and avian influenza is very different, this is 2 entirely another viruses, but also the thing of attack and circulation are not the same. He said bird flu by 4 years, causing millions of birds infected about 200 people were killed, the human mortality rate is relatively low, so the bird flu in the ultimate analysis or animal disease, and rarely spread from person to person.
Germany Friedrich - Le Fule Animals Thomas, adviser of the Institute of Health. Meitenglaite also that the , but beyond tests have concluded that this is a new A/H1N1 virus, formerly in pigs or humans have not been found. The Institute believes that this virus is not a pig can be directly the virus to humans, the latest outbreak of influenza is a viral infection between people.
I think the more we are in Science. I very much admit with Beijing Union Medical College, Assistant to the President, Professor Huang Jianshi epidemiologist technological attitude, and today he hosts in jealousy of how prompt Phoenix TV, he insisted that I accentuate again, health training is the best vaccine, is not that we do not guard against it? not! precisely because of its fast spread, in the heart has been great for people constitute a psychological menace, the government measures are made to a responsible. Do not think We mobilized the species is not responsible for the performance, if not listen to the recommendations of scientists, is a stupid show! we have no cause to hunger their own do?
fact,shanghai escort, we must do now is to do our daily work to do, people to regular life, main of science preventive measures. professionals, through the swine flu epidemic, carefully retard our health and epidemic prevention, food quality, animal and factory monitoring, etc.,yet not say optimistic overall, etc., not only do not near the information, and do not over- rendering. Some experts believe that we passed opposition SARS, bird flu prevention and control of accumulated experience, but after SARS in 2003 established a public health emergency response system, but also exposed many problems. For instance, how to amend the revelation level, improve reaction speed , forcible communication, and so quick.
fact, the professionalism of the medium is also very important. today's message old, the media play an important role. announcer's voice rendering Speed ​​plays a magnificent role, such as reported : to by some experts say more than SARS, caused by frightening people with SARS was interlocked. so the media to give more professional, timely reports, not to hide an Biography alarmist rumors; clutch of public attitude, irresponsible not to vent, but irresponsible not to flatter. do not want to take a hazard and in the very phase of the so-called easy flattering. The test of the epidemic will dramatically spirit of journalism.
I feel the Western world of special note, fear of Chengdu, the U.S. is many higher than China. A report from what can be seen:
start a universal outbreak of swine flu, as of April 27 has caused the necrosis of 149 people. the United States declared a public health emergency the same day, Britain, France, Australia and other countries have adopted crisis preventive amounts, eastern countries war readiness, the United Nations WHO will l r unlock warning level 4, all these means a new virus to spread from person to person, and may cause outbreaks of hh r l Group is once again retinue the fiscal emergency, a major global emergency, to test the citizen public health emergency answer capability, but also put amenable a * human * important subject material of survival. Available information indicates that the World Health Organization has been in the past 5 annuals for the hindrance of influenza following the outbreak of SARS behind the readiness, but the swine flu still caused a small outbreak of alarm. While there is not testify that the flu would cause large-scale catastrophe, but every information sent from nigh the globe proved the virus continues to spread. this situation to have looked SARS, avian influenza, foot and mouth disease and other spirits haunt the people of new contagious diseases, because the making and vaccination will take time, separation, etc. to control the epidemic is also late, that the epidemic is distending the geographical range of the concept, may not be able to avert a humanitarian catastrophe.
I also deep in thought above the emulating reports:
experts warn that long, SARS, avian flu, foot and mouth disease outbreak of a pandemic, and ultimately humans undergo. From the philosophical concept of human self-centeredness is creature pursued doctrine, forever thought to meet the elementary needs of the hunting, recording is ethical and reasonable. People are elated to stand on top of the Earth edible fetter, has always boasted of conquerors, so that the amounts ​​of modern civilization has been and into the blood, all the time about the people's thinking and behavior. particularly with the advent of modern culture, the human self-interest in mandate to fulfill the intention of short-term, progress even more lunatic.
lack of awareness of self-reflection is a common disability of mankind, not just the arrogance of nature, but the main thing is always reason to absolve duty for their own negligence *. For example, the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health Organization 27, issued a expression that such (swine flu) virus and seasonal influenza viruses,shanghai massage, which focused on the swine flu virus,shanghai escort, human influenza virus and the characteristics of the virus, but not found in pigs before, so it named Moreover, the face of life and death decisions, in methodology, saying why the name is not important.