Thursday, May 5, 2011


A year ago, seventy-two oil workers as the day and night in the Bohai Sea billow!
if I can, I want to open a thousand waves, to listen to their grumbles; if I can, I want to dig dry boundless amplitude of the Bohai Sea, elected up a deep resentment.
However, I can not. I can only use my pen to narrate their suffering, we express our grief. However, a year ago, even this can not, because we had disguised the truth lies. Now, the State Department the decision of the accident,
1979 年 November 24 night.
boundless Sea, stormy. an offshore oil rigs lustrous bright lights, traction in the tug, the staggered ahead. The chart of the iron monster technical requirements have been more than 5 meters, 1 meter freeboard was left. the waves coil on the deck and mechanism every once in a while collision foam dispersed. This is the Bohai II drilling container. It is a coastal tug in front of 282. In order to directions from a superior to a silly, which has two boats and six,beijing massage, seven knocking the bushes for more than 12 hours, while one-third of the travel equitable completed.
towing of the leading group headquarters is located in the Bohai Sea II when the wireless room. circadian boot received, turn on color on the transmitter signal. roll out the navigation map, constructed in the Bohai Sea to the Bohai Sea in the East 423 between the 102 frameworks in a straight line drawn with a pencil. It is their is sailing routes. full 112 sea miles.
Deputy Director of the drilling, towing the group leader Kang Yu Yi peeked at the diagrams, which delineate the path of this pencil caught his obnoxious connotations.
Bohai Bay winter, chilly and more huge storms, cozy to shift drilling ship, the Bohai II can not anti-ice. Originally the winter ought not be drilling. But, the Department of footage in order to complete the index, call a annual antecedent to compel the Bohai Sea II Well, the SOA leading is not compliant to approve this mission began, but the leading of the Ministry proposed to the bureau easy-going human. cadres or workers, whether he is called governors absence to change the determination. he made two statements to detect their own views, Deputy Secretary. Deputy Secretary for the Lord can not. He wants to interview the Secretary. the Secretary has said coldly: ! opinion is insignificant, or thousands of years of the same old! 20 years of ups and downs, he accumulated a cloud of experience. This experience made him many periods in the Bohai Bay saved the day, this experience likewise made him over-confident. so .22 dry out some stupid things on the a.m. held in aggregate control apartment Bo II : . Suddenly, a explode of storms howl intervened his meditation. He saw at the table shaking in the wind speed wind instrument, wind speed has reached 20 meters per second. This means that the wind had additional to 8. wind The roar and the roar of the sea, so he knew, the towing some writing on the wall. He mused, whether there are 2 boats will escort the heart more cozy. towage, he regretted his statement on the meeting over-confident, very heavy center.
clock has been turned to 11 o'clock at night, but not less wind, and occasional 9m10 gust. Jinxiang Qi capital engineer dressing a full oil of the . The 33-year-old institute student, every day off to obtain up, turn over in the cabin after grooming, 12 o'clock at night to sleep at night but also the machine up and check it anew. sleepwalk his private life, while machinery and equipment is particularly alert care. The maximum that he was concerned that the recent overhaul in Japan, in order to retention the cost of repair, where some of the repair does not repair some of the replacement chapters do not change. Some items Offshore Oil Bureau is their repair shop can be repaired, for management is in muddle, procrastination, hever since to solve many problems. For sample, the deck was more solemn corrosion of several cilia dryer, the repair shop to do a few so-so, due to erroneous size, not on security, had alongside, no 1 say in society. So, tonight, he examined more carefully than in the past. He sat down to check over equipment expiration, he pulled from his pocket to a letter. This is his wife sent from Beijing of. his wife after his marriage did not pass through the penniless a agreeable clothing, blaming his thirties who had also not a standing ovation themselves. and said, recently arranged to Tianjin, and personally took him to the cache to buy a set of clothes that eligible. Jin Xiangqi re-pocket the letter, looked at his dress oil, could not assist smiling.
the 74 crew, 30 years of age is 54. These young people and began to live to Longtenghuyue, rest also spirited topic. when they are not liking the time, they will inevitably must blow off steam, Mama Street. That day, though exhausted one day, but we seldom sleep. some lying in mattress to read the novel, some Fuzaizhuoshang writing letters home. and some people talking about the enclosed: Tug did not have slept on, the deck is ten hours a squat, really affected by exotic guilt, and who control us! ; the Secretary is valid and an outward? is masculine or female? I do not know. seeing the pearly ceiling, as in thinking about. The young male, married only 20 days to give pleasure to the sea to the honeymoon. He thought at this moment whether the newly married wife? There are also two 17-year-old fellow , usually jump, this time also appears unusual quiet. doubtless innocent in their minds will appear the mother's face wrinkles and gray head of hair,shenzhen escort, their ears will resound when the mother's parting bite thousand million Well hh.
the wind on the deck stood a high lanky middle-aged man, he was staring through the deep night outdoor the 500-meter lights on the tug 282. usually jolly face at this time appears to be very plucky, as in thinking about something essential issue. He is the 102 constructed in the notifications. To ensure the safety of towing, in his November 12, 20, 21, 3 leading back to the telegraph bureau, inquired to send divers to rescue the tank may fall on the mat submersible pumps require unloading, queried to send three ships towing. The three telegrams read out the brief meeting in the Council leadership, the Secretary are ignored. These requirements ensure safety obedience are ago, more than two thousand four hundred tons of ballast water unload not necessary to make more than three meters draft deepened. and between the mat and platform technology provides distance of more than ten times, so that deeper draft at fewest one meter, 780 tons of variable load is not necessary to discharge, but also deepened the draft. These unlawful actions which such rigs with insecurity in the extensive diversity of night sailing adventure in the sea. thought he was extremely resentful of these, in our country have such an unreasonable system: people who have no right to make advised decisions, people make decisions not understand the situation, notwithstanding her bear a heavy responsibility, but even the right to ensure the safety of the workers are not hh.
fight in Adventure Valley
waves towing the ship also deep draft, cheap freeboard, wind carries the right to the back of surging waves constantly anxious swarmed the deck, the frequent occurrence of danger.
When! Scroll to seize one of oxygen flasks. sitting room of the Offshore Oil & T Board, the control room mechanic, agent head of the guiding group towing Wu Lianfu to
comrades to support rescue by 500 meters high call call away The 282 rescue tug Well, re-fixed. The danger has just ruled out, and it was found that water from the cable-sized holes coming down the pump chamber. Now the chief engineer and electrical Huang Jin Xiangqi India, Jiang Jiakun carried away to the emergency pump to pump water discharged into the cabin of mud pools . and then start the mud pump, water splashed from the pond back to the sea mud.
one after another. a line of storms from overwhelming, to 80 cm diameter steel duct cap destroyed , the flow of water like a burst, like pouring along the duct to the cabin.
one after the waves swept the deck, the deck is filled with stirring to the chest-deep water. captain Liu, vice captain LI Hua-lin, large classes Wang Mo-lin driller who face the danger of the sea waves involved,shanghai massage, hardship narrated to the duct. Jinjindigen drilling the boys in the group back them. waves hit big, and they firmly hold the machine on the deck, the waves receded, they swarmed. to the front air duct, we use the waves of the breach, the canvas cover on the duct, a few pairs of big hands like pincers as tightly clamping the canvas. At this time, a dozen hands were stretched over a large , card card, tied the parcel, and a rope tied together, and finally blocked the jaws of the duct.
danger just in the past, a sudden burst of rapid fear peal rang the ship, which is fire fear. oil drilling Mars is the point on embark the ship may cause crash. People immediately from the hostel towards the scene of the accident from various situations. only a short period of one minute were all in attendance, then saw duty in the cabin and the electrical Yang Guanghua India Yellow leaned from the hatch, they tell you that they used fire extinguishers have been put out. turned out to be on the deck hatch switchboard pump dripping, causing short-circuit fire power strip.
put out the fire though, it brought a serious problem: the switchboard burned out, dirt can not be started. into the water to the cabin did not jump out at again.
two o'clock midnight. wind and waves increase, influenced thousands in the sea Mountain innumerable, the power of supremely volley Pilai, the steel duct uniform tear off from the roots. At this time the deck Changlu open a cavity of 84 cm.
; found in the apartment passageway in this dangerous situation Yan Xuejun window to differentiate the skipper shouted.
Emergency! extremely pressing! serious position emerged: a pump can no longer work, and the formation of water in the air tube at the vortex of a huge ship to sudden rush. pile up water inside the cabin, the consequences would be unthinkable! one, published a summarize order: , like a waterfall pouring in the drilling ship, the ground cover it tightly at the bottom with a minute breath. waves the past, people just come up from the water. each big wag coming, there are several people fell to the deck. we risking his own life, one after dissimilar, a big wave came vacated not hold on to someone Li Hualin swept away. all one yelled. However, the wave about to work, LI Hua-lin ten meters away but never climbed the fasten machine up. He refused to take a bright red clothe flowing blood in the head, proceed to partake in rescue. As duct is interrupted from the roots, not on sheet no longer tied. We are anxious eyes sparkle, I do not know who shouted : . However, these asset in the turbulent vortex, like a small foliage as immediately as the vortex sucked into the pump chamber. people can not do anything before the storm raging out. pump tank water, more and more foot pile III has sunk two meters, the ship capsized in front of the danger.
after some sailing experience comrades said, when several emergency measures should be taken: First, according to the regional sea conditions more than 20 meters deep, quickly open all doors to the cabin, turn on the water sea, so that the ship even sank. In this direction, 72-meter-high pile 4 feet thick and 43-meter-high mast will have a large part of the sea surface; Second, should quickly open the ship's 6 life rafts, life raft to go all the staff to abandon the ship evacuated. Each raft can hold 15 people, 74 entirely accommodate the. At the same time, should send an multinational distress signal SOS. but towing the leading group did not take these measures. It also can not reprehend them. all these years, always preaching the life as a revolutionary heroism of the things to applause. It seems the people to create asset than wealth. This wrong thinking long-term detention of the people. Therefore, they did not dare to cede the ship guarantor's decision. If you really do, and they come back living not a good explanation. In counting, the Offshore Oil Bureau normally not carried out emergency rescue disciplines, they do not know even the elementary life-saving wisdom of road, and even do not know how to open the life raft, beneath the tense situation at the time, there may be temporary loss This is probably the right steps were not taken another reason.
towing the leading group to wear life jackets all the staff evacuated the helicopter platform. The helicopter landing location, is a small rectangular square 21 meters higher than sea level. They believe that even now the ship sinks, there is a more suitable area to wait for rescue.
sinking but the warship namely not uniform, but the left rear dumping. When we hear the bid, behind to dwelling, put above life jackets, and then climb, the helicopter platform has transform a growing inclination skateboard. One tin merely prop the platform side of the fence, despite bumps in the storm shook the ship. with the folk back down the platform, Liu Yan Xuejun operators struggling with the muck from the heap of wood tied pumping of lumber, into the sea for we made afterward preparation, did not await as them out of a few, the boat tilted more powerful, platform corners pile of debris crashed above to the sea Luangun, people who did not take anything staggered from the platform end of the slip into the additional end.
put in the hands of a rope darted over the top of the slide. Steam Kun Kwan took the test rope work, accessible on the curtate bar in the gymnastics division, then, we appear to find a ride, 6,7 person's hand tightly gripped the rope. The ship tilted more powerful, platform, wind, water, sound, wail merged together, Ding Fei lost in the loud scene among the capability of people to be saw not clear his perilous situation, with a loud dim water sound, dumped in the ocean drilling ship, the ship's 74 people all thrown into turbulent surf.
announced restriction from the platform on the aircraft to the five thousand tons of heavy steel giant devoured by the sea, only a few minutes the whole process time. they are bent Zhigu save the state property, left to their own life-saving time was too short.
anxiously waiting in the freezing
time, at 3:35 on November 25, 1979. Venue: Path 119.3748P, latitude 38.4130P, water temperature is 7 degrees under zero.
Sage wildly as marble pressure of the people fell into the water deep into the sea, and cast their tip from the cast into the sea, cold water plunge into the needle-like brawn bone. We encourage each other to exhaust the strength of the final: br> When the survival of people shouting in the sea, looking forward to heard from the radio voice of fast Wulian Fu: intensify the life-saving preparations on the boat searchlight were opened. Automatic loosen cord machine less than two minutes to put over 350 meters cable rope. But when they put the cable end, then turn around and tug when no longer see to the light yellow screen, the two kilometers out. then they could not find , water flow to the southeast, most of the victims with the new drift to the southeast, while the tug was 282 opposition the wind to find, so they do not see most of the victims, just rescued from a life raft on two people. This is Today the surviving large class driller and mud Wang Mo-lin Yan Xuejun workers. Worse, they actually did not issue a conditions, the ship received a better signal, it will surely arrived on the scene among 20 minutes, so many victims will be saved. Lin Yongzhi, the incompetence of the captain, the North Sea Fleet was originally an mediocre test persons, no specially trained and the necessary examination, let him as a captain. such people can make do in peacetime to knob the job, will be adversely affected by a important event in the critical moment.
into the sea of ​​people suffering from the cold in the sea, anxious waiting for people to rescue, however, all let them down.
towing at anyone time in the circumstance that reporting to the SOA responsibility room. But what the bureau to do it?
0:10: switchboard bombard , drain pump does not go, the bureau failed to take measures.
1 o'clock: Ventilation tube hat wiped out,open and malleable knowledge sites, water poured into the pump chamber, the bureau failed to take amounts.
3 o'clock: the ventilation tube from the roots to play off, the large influx of sea water, the bureau failed to take measures.
3 点 10 points: : Wu Lianfu with SSB talked over the tel and the bureau last words: to 4.
4 o'clock: the first ship was pulled out from the wharf to the scene of the chance is already 9:30 a.
7 点 30 points: The first helicopter took off from the land. < br> victims hope for survival slow reaction leading organs,shanghai escort, slow action, become disappointed, became a resentment, and finally swallowed their pique and die. They are all waiting anxiously to be alive in the freezing to death. < br> Thinking
morning after the tragedy, and a colossal orange-red sea, which is the remains of the martyrs of floating. They were wearing orange life jackets, storm gradually weakened by roaring into a whine, as in the cry the die.
the 63 people pulled the body, and 9 did not find person remains were pulled firm with the remains of some body, memorandum the cold torment; some scars, logged the survival skirmish; Some tightly into fists, as in the indictment of bureaucracy; some staring eyes, that twice death hh.
chief engineer Jinxiang Qi's body is turned from a small boat back to find, along to Wang Mo-lin survivors recollected, when he fell into the water later, and Wang Mo-lin, a climb up the boat upside down, biting wind beating them trembling, not drowned, they have frozen to death. Just then, the waves moved back a life raft, rubber raft, the raft filled with gas, how lofty the waves, raft how high the waves will not be the same as the boat overturned, there are rafts of nylon napkin umbrella shelf, can withstand cold wind bombards, Wang Mo-lin said: volunteer book good comrades, in this critical moment, the students want to give the others, risked death to depart their own. If he had jumped into life rafts, he will not die. Wang Mo-lin jumped into the life raft, pulled up again Yan Xuejun, who survived.
Liu's body is upside down from a lifeboat found the following. He put his arm a rope tied in this boat cornered. Normally, the marine security can not be assured, we often consult how to do afterward died. Liu forever said: After the due duty to the emancipate, actually had to bind himself with a tether. Over the years, he put always his energies on the fuel affair on the family's burden of rearing two juvenile babies, with all the pressure in the heart ailment, his wife who, he always felt criminal in his wife, but always disinclined to focus on small homes, the lifetime is not considerate wife, have returned after the decease of his wife approximately for a terminal goodbye.
26-year-old The shipyard electrician Fan Li full, prepared to New Year's Day to get married. He and his fiancee after several years of preparation, anything all ready. marrying only a month, and they look inward to this sweet day. FAN Li full sea, the fiancee to the sea. Before leaving, the entire scope of legislation that popup up saying: This sentence was really their last farewell! FAN Li sacrifice all the newspaper came as a thunderbolt shattering her wishes! ran her disheveled coast, Ding Li into the cold winds, looking at rolling the Bohai Sea, and over again cried over and over: truths have been concluded .9 months later, the State Council on ; Offshore Oil Exploration Bureau, Ministry of Petroleum in order to accept r l Bohai II emergency relocation of wells after the tough mission to take a violation of towing security peccadillo QUICKER. venture down the ship, towing is not causing the Some of the chief reasons for the tragic accident. and the result of the lessons of history ensure that such tragedies will never happen again. Do not you look, in this tragedy demonstrated the will instead of subjective and objective law, careless venture instead of using a scientific approximate, instead of using peremptory phenomenon of democratic neatness of work do not exist in all hikes of life ? that the catastrophe reasoned along over-concentration of responsibility is nameless, inefficient economic system is not has not been reform? those who study naught but tyrannical bureaucrats are not the attribute continues to hold the State and workers life to decision. The good news is, people have put this tragedy into a force to eliminate the root causes of the tragedy. today's China, science and democracy is gradually creature replaced along superstition and cruelty; irrational economic system is suffering reform; cadres also began to demand educated and professional hh despite heavy resistance, the road back creased thousand, while the way will not change.
year ago, some people attempt to months after the courses of .9, the State Council made in accordance with their requirements. I would like to seventy-two undergoing heart will be comforted immediately!
Seventy class brothers ah! Please accept my more than a year later The memorial, may your obedient psyche recess in the sea!
(written in December 1980, promulgated in the

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