Thursday, May 5, 2011

in the 7 days ahead cramps medication

Keywords: Star web share dysmenorrhea dysmenorrhea dysmenorrhea relief outside the medication treatment of dysmenorrhea
: Paul stomach
entities correct treatment of dysmenorrhea dysmenorrhea troubled by Ms. Wong month, her colleagues to introduce a tips adjuvant therapy has the power, as honey, breast contains potassium and magnesium, to ease the mood, inhibit pain, assists the body relax, exclude anxiety and reduce accent. But the doctor accentuated, must not be as an option treatment. The doctor warned Ai Ms. remedied with topical medications, oral medication for external use can prevent the provocation of the gastrointestinal tract, may also reduce the center,shanghai escort, liver, kidney and additional organs of the side effects. by AcBel speed is a safe and effective treatment of dysmenorrhea productions. Ms. Wong After using the outer use, dysmenorrhea actually much amended.
Vitamin B6: economical and handy treatment of dysmenorrhea menstrual
Miss Liu ambition arise ahead the patient's abdominal pain is complicated,What ought we do, afterward menstruation, abdominal pain and decrease until it disappears; before the next cramps, abdominal pain re-appears. This is the typical omens of basic dysmenorrhea, genital lesions of non-substantive. The doctor suggested that she take vitamin B6 treatment, taking the characteristic method is: fewer pain, in the 7 days before cramps medication, every serving two of vitamin B6 (20 mg), 3 times a daytime, continuously for 7 days apt cramps withdrawal; severe pain, the medication as upon, but join to each 40 mg potion, which is the dose twice.
and Miss Liu Xiaoyi is another, she is merely abdominal anguish cramps. The doctor told her namely pill can be accustom quickly vitamin B6 treatment. that is, while menstrual cramps, spoken government of 40 mg of vitamin B6, 4 小时after taking 40 mg of the 2 tin be taken.
studies have shown that vitamin B6 can subserve magnesium ions through the compartment layer and amplify intracellular magnesium concentrations,beijing massage, so forcible aboard the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. commonly after 4 months to 6 months of treatment, dysmenorrhea showed the severity and period were decreased. gynecologic clinical evidence that use of vitamin B6 treatment, 90% of patients after treatment of abdominal pain perished alternatively reduced. oral B6 no side effects, both economic,beijing massage, and convenient for patients with basic dysmenorrhea.
anti-inflammatory drugs: better effect merely not everyone Ge Safe
juvenile lady will be the monthly cramps hot mighty glass of brown sugar, tea, or use hot water flask heat about the stomach, dysmenorrhea slowly began to ease. can use both the two-strokes, or kept in pain. in the pharmacy go of the antique school Mary suggested that she take anti-inflammatory pain, and said that he formerly had dysmenorrhea, is cured by the anti-inflammatory pain. Miss Mary took 7 days for the Ge medicine, and told her, the premier 20 days from the m22-day duration to start taking each an, 1 m3 times a day for 7 days. Ge Miss medication, the pain of dysmenorrhea'd not be evoked asthma, a 10-day hospital linger. age,shanghai massage, undergoing from gastrointestinal ulcers, high blood pressure can not be used in patients with anti-inflammatory pain, ulcers and high blood pressure will increase or . In addition, the drug on the fetus or the child has solemn adverse effects, so pregnant and breastfeeding women should too be maimed
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